"Tanzania has always sent the message of the most free and politically stable country in the region through very controlled journalism, making it even seem to be one of the countries in Africa with the least corruption. But that as I have said before, is just an image created by the government’s PR machinery. There is no freedom of speech in Tanzania, the police are mighty and politicians are semi-gods. Corruption is a way of life and compromise of human rights is the order of the day.
However, Tanzania is a haven according to the west. Just before his retirement, former US president George Bush made a visit to Tanzania and had long talks with President Kikwete. We all know that the “US does not engage with human rights violators” and maybe that is why both President Obama and Bush ironically picked Tanzania as their choice destination in the region.
A new documentary that has just been published on YouTube seems to tell the true story of what is happening in the media in Tanzania, exposing how journalists are humiliated, attacked and even killed for speaking out and trying to educate the public.
It goes far to show how the press in Tanzania has been reduced to a PR machine for the government. Here is the documentary by Annastazia Rugaba that will leave you speechless. VIDEO:
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